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What are Paul's clients saying about his legal services?

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“Paul, I got lucky. I found you!! Seriously, going through a criminal investigation with the Internal Revenue Service was the most frustrating, irritating and upsetting time in my family’s life. The stress was enormous. Thanks for being there for me, and for us.”
–Craig & Jan P.,
Laguna Beach, CA

“Paul, you were right on – experience does pay. You were worth every penny. Thanks so much for getting the IRS and California tax folks off our back.”
–Jim and Patti G.,
Santa Ana, CA

“Thank you Paul. You saved me and got me innocent spouse relief when no one else said it could be done.”
Newport Beach, CA

“Paul, I cannot thank you enough – the audit was resolved not only to our satisfaction, but quickly and competently.”
–Bill R., CEO,
Corona Del Mar, CA

“You have been a God send to us! Thank you for all you have done.”
–John M.,
Anaheim, CA

“Paul, as you know, our company was faced with a huge crisis, dealing with various tax agencies. After we engaged your services, you were able to bring these matters to a swift conclusion, saving us countless dollars in the process. In addition, the settlement reached with each of these agencies was beyond what we expected. I will not hesitate to use your services in the future and will refer you to anyone who has tax problems.”
–Eric Y., President,
Costa Mesa, CA

“On behalf of my family, many thanks for taking care of our tax case. The results were great and so were you!!”
–Steve M.,
Fullerton, CA

“I am so glad I hired you. I cannot think of a better tax attorney to defend me. I will gladly refer you as much business as I can. God bless.”
–Karen D.,
Brea, CA

“Today, we received the good news about our tax controversy case. Talk about controversy — you were able to get the job done for us, giving us eternal piece of mind.”
–John and Marie S.,

“You came highly recommended and I can see why. Thank you for all you did for us. I am glad the ordeal is finally over.”
–Ned E.,
San Diego

“Paul, I was very nervous about the IRS and you calmed me down. You took a potentially dangerous situation and made it seem easy. I enjoyed our office meetings and working with your staff. I will never forget you and I will never hesitate to use you in the future.”
–Jeff B.,


Obtained a complete victory for a City in the greater Los Angeles area — the IRS had imposed a civil penalty of $2.5 million against the City relating to the filing of the City’s payroll tax returns. After one meeting with the IRS, the IRS agreed to abate the penalty in full.

Defended an ex-politician who ultimately received no jail time and instead was confined to his home. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began investigating my Client several years ago for bankruptcy fraud. The United States Attorney’s Office agreed not to prosecute the Client for bankruptcy fraud, tax evasion, or similar alleged crimes. The Client pled guilty to providing a false statement, but was ordered to home confinement for 6 months.

Obtained an 11-1 jury verdict which resulted in a mistrial. My Client, a CPA, was brought up on charges of preparing false and fraudulent tax returns for his clients. The jury believed his testimony that he was acting in good faith and refused to find him guilty. Rather than proceed with a retrial after the mistrial, the Government agreed to a “misdemeanor” plea of guilty. My Client was given straight probation, zero jail time.

Obtained the first victory on record against the U.S. Department of Justice who sought an injunction prohibiting my Client, an accountant, from preparing tax returns for his clients. Some years ago, the Department of Justice began investigating tax return preparers who they felt were cheating the public. The weapon of choice was to obtain an injunction against the tax return preparer from preparing tax returns. Typically this civil investigation was accompanied by a criminal investigation of the tax return preparer, making it very difficult to defend the Client (i.e., because if he says anything in the civil case, it could be held against him in the criminal case). Nevertheless, in a case of first impression, the local District Court Judge held that my Client should not be subject to an injunction prohibiting him from preparing tax returns for his clients.

Defended a local businessman who, according to the Internal Revenue Service and the State Board of Equalization, failed to report all his company’s income and expenses. The U.S. Department of Justice filed criminal charges, but with a plea agreement, the Client paid the Internal Revenue Service the money owed, and avoided jail. The State Board of Equalization ultimately dropped it’s criminal investigation of my Client.

Conducted an extensive internal investigation involving an alleged kickback scheme involving a soon to be public company and its subsidiaries.

Represented a local businessman who was audited by the Internal Revenue Service with the case ending up in the U.S. Tax Court. The Government agreed that my Client was entitled to a refund of over $800,000. Despite owing the IRS several hundred thousand dollars, my Client did not have to pay any penalties.

Defended several Clients (approximately 15) who were part of a massive tax fraud investigation into alleged unreported income. Most of these individuals were in their early 20’s, and this was their first job. The Department of Justice declined, in several of the cases, to prosecute them. In the cases that went forward, some cases went from a “felony” charge to a “misdemeanor” charge. In all of the cases except one, the individuals did not receive any jail time.

Advised a religious organization about the consequences of losing their tax exempt status based on their improper use of funds. The organization agreed with my advice, filed the appropriate correcting or amended tax returns, and was able to conduct business as usual. The IRS agreed not to assert any penalties.

Represented and defended a large computer company in Southern California in which the IRS contended that the company had failed to pay the correct amount of “ozone depleting chemicals tax ,” which is an “excise tax.” The IRS launched an investigation of several companies, stating that they had not paid the ozone depleting chemicals tax on products they imported from the Far East. The result was a complete victory for the company, i.e., a “no change” audit result. This led to the referral of other companies with the same result.

Represented a Canadian citizen who owed money to Canada. Revenue Canada (i.e., Canada’s version of the IRS), asked the IRS through a “protocol” (which is similar to a treaty) to help pursue my Canadian Client.. At first, the IRS refused to give my Client has “taxpayer rights” but then they relented. Ultimately, no harm came to my Client. He was not deported and is doing well here in the United States.

Defended a CPA being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation. The CPA specialized in equine law, and the IRS noticed an unusual number of his clients who had losses. Criminal Investigation, after one interview with me, agreed to drop the criminal investigation.

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Meet Paul Raymond

Meet Paul Raymond

Mr. Raymond is a sought after speaker in tax controversy law by many attorney, accountant, and business groups and at the request of the Internal Revenue Service, has presented programs at the IRS Nationwide Tax Forum, attended by tax professionals throughout the United States.

Additionally, he continues to be an active member in the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association, where he was the Past Chair of the Employment Taxes Committee.

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Certifications &
Member CA Bar Member Orange County Bar US Tax Court Attorney